I Have No Words

Brilliant Advice’s Danya Karram and her family recently traveled to Amman, Jordan as part of a humanitarian and medical relief trip organized by the Atlantic Humanitarian Relief (“AHR”) organization. There are about five million Syrian refugees who have sought safety in surrounding countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Egypt. Many have limited means to cover even basic needs and are in desperate need of help.

Incredibly moved by the experience, Danya wrote an impassioned Facebook post. Here is a short excerpt from her original post:

“I have no words as I met Fatima, an 11-year-old refugee, who shyly asked me to teach her English. As she stumbled through the alphabet a hundred times. As we laughed together as she tried to teach me Arabic. As we held hands, communicating through touch and love.”

Danya’s post caught the attention of Local 12 Newsmakers’ host and producer, Dan Hurley, and she was invited on the show to share her experience. She was joined by Dr. Humam Akbik, founder of AHR, and his son who was also on the trip. You can view the segment here.

AHR’s mission: “Our mission is to provide medical relief and support services that address the physical wounds and emotional suffering of those impacted by the ongoing military conflict in Syria. We aim to fulfill our mission by delivering vital health care services, humanitarian aid, and sustainable development projects in support of the injured and those who are most vulnerable – refugee women, children, and the elderly.”

For more information on what AHR does and how you can help, please visit their website: http://atlantichumanitarianrelief.org/