Finding a financial advisor is a bit like finding a date. No, really, it is. Keep reading. When you go on a date you’re investing your time, and when you hire a financial advisor you’re investing your money, both of which are in limited supply. So, you want to ensure you make the right choice when undertaking both. Find prospects …
Regrets, and Longevity’s Gift
In a recent study, one third of Americans say they regret the major choices they have made in their lives. Top regrets included: Not following their dreams Not taking risks with their career Not taking risks with their lives in general Not having been gutsier in their choices and in doing the things they wanted to do Stop and think. …
When Finding Your New Normal, Don’t Forget the Most Important Part
Are you contemplating a career change or perhaps weighing the pros and cons of retirement? Maybe you’re anticipating the arrival of a new baby or you have children who are ready to leave the nest. Or, on a more somber note, is the realization of divorce on the horizon or are you trying to find your way after experiencing the …