Many investors, letting their emotions get the best of them, fall into the trap of chasing investment returns. After a sustained period of strong results, they buy, and after a painful downturn, they sell. Of course, no investor likes to admit to acting this way. But do financial advisors suffer from the same issue? Is your financial advisor an emotional …
Are you working with a Back-Office Advisor?
Dirty Secrets of the Financial Advice Business – Part 3 Do you have a financial advisor you trust? One who offers independent and unbiased advice? One who acts in your best interests at all times? I hope you can answer, “yes” to all these questions. But, are affirmatives to these important questions enough? It is also important to think about …
Be Aware of Advisors who Display “Awards”
Be Aware of Advisors who Display “Awards” Dirty Secrets of the Financial Advice Business – Part 2 Does your financial advisor display several awards in his office? Does he tout an award at the end of his email or website? Is he really “America’s #1 Advisor” for the last five years running? Sounds impressive. But is it really? Have you …
Does your Advisor treat you like an Airline Customer?
Does your Advisor treat you like an Airline Customer? Dirty Secrets of the Financial Advice Business – Part 1 When you fly on an airplane do you know how much the person sitting next to you paid for their seat? It might be more than you paid or it might be much less. How does that make you feel? Do you …
Cern Basher featured in exclusive Cincinnati Business Courier article
EXCLUSIVE: Cincinnati money manager Cern Basher leaves firm he helped found to start new company. Cern Basher has left the investment advisory firm he co-founded nearly 16 years ago to start a new one. Basher left Madison Wealth Management in January, but he didn’t have much time off. Last week, he launched Brilliant Advice, a Kenwood-based investment advisory firm with a …