
Brilliant Advice’s Client Portal – 12 Features You Will Love

Five years ago you learned online banking.  Perhaps you didn’t realize what it could do for you, but then you tried it out.  Now, would you want to live without it? That’s banking.  How about investing? Can you access ALL of your investment accounts online in one location today?  There is no reason why not.  That technology is available to …

Rows of Colored dye in bowls for festivals.

Are you working with a Back-Office Advisor?

Dirty Secrets of the Financial Advice Business – Part 3 Do you have a financial advisor you trust? One who offers independent and unbiased advice? One who acts in your best interests at all times? I hope you can answer, “yes” to all these questions. But, are affirmatives to these important questions enough? It is also important to think about …