When it comes to your finances, you should get a second opinion. Here’s why. When it comes to your financial life, the consequences of your decisions—or your advisor’s decisions—can be long-lasting and significant. Mistakes can be very costly and they can have a big impact on how well you can enjoy your retirement years. How will you feel if 10 …
Costs Matter More Than You Think
There are three simple time-tested rules in investing. But, like a lot of things, they are in need of an update. This is the second post in a three-part series. The first post in this series discussed the importance of diversification. Our Updated Rule #1 was: Diversify to the point of discomfort to control risk. Now for Original Rule #2: …
Diversify to the Point of Discomfort
There are three simple time-tested rules in investing. But, like a lot of things, they are in need of an update. This is the first post in a three-part series. Original Rule #1: Diversify to control risk Do you like to gamble with important things? Do you play Russian roulette? I hope not. And of course you shouldn’t do it …
It Pays to be a Savvy Saver from the Start
We’re taught to save money from the time we get our first tooth fairy payment, but when we’re young, saving doesn’t always seem necessary. A common belief is that saving is for people who are getting ready to buy their own house, put their kids through college, or retire. But in reality, it’s better to start saving long before any …
How Hard is it to Find Your Perfect Financial Partner?
Finding a financial advisor is a bit like finding a date. No, really, it is. Keep reading. When you go on a date you’re investing your time, and when you hire a financial advisor you’re investing your money, both of which are in limited supply. So, you want to ensure you make the right choice when undertaking both. Find prospects …
When Finding Your New Normal, Don’t Forget the Most Important Part
Are you contemplating a career change or perhaps weighing the pros and cons of retirement? Maybe you’re anticipating the arrival of a new baby or you have children who are ready to leave the nest. Or, on a more somber note, is the realization of divorce on the horizon or are you trying to find your way after experiencing the …
Does your Advisor Invest Emotionally?
Many investors, letting their emotions get the best of them, fall into the trap of chasing investment returns. After a sustained period of strong results, they buy, and after a painful downturn, they sell. Of course, no investor likes to admit to acting this way. But do financial advisors suffer from the same issue? Is your financial advisor an emotional …
Are you working with a Back-Office Advisor?
Dirty Secrets of the Financial Advice Business – Part 3 Do you have a financial advisor you trust? One who offers independent and unbiased advice? One who acts in your best interests at all times? I hope you can answer, “yes” to all these questions. But, are affirmatives to these important questions enough? It is also important to think about …