Advice: “Guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action, typically given by someone regarded as knowledgeable.” It’s important to note that there is plenty of free advice available to anyone. Anywhere. Anytime. All you have to do is ask a few friends, your colleagues at work, surf the internet or watch TV, and you’ll receive more advice than you need! The …
Tips for a Smooth Trip to Retirement
I was talking with a friend of mine about financial planning recently, and she somewhat sheepishly admitted that she and her spouse spend considerably more time planning for their vacations than they do for their retirement. Afterward I realized that planning for both has many similarities. Everyone has a different ideal vacation destination. Some like the beach, some like the …
Brilliant Advice’s Client Portal – 12 Features You Will Love
Five years ago you learned online banking. Perhaps you didn’t realize what it could do for you, but then you tried it out. Now, would you want to live without it? That’s banking. How about investing? Can you access ALL of your investment accounts online in one location today? There is no reason why not. That technology is available to …